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Our School

The mission of Granville Intermediate School is to guide students to become self-motivated learners, to make responsible decisions, and to accept themselves and others in a caring environment.

Granville Intermediate School has earned an Excellent rating from the Ohio Department of Education since we opened in 2002. We exceeded all ten state indicators, including: fourth grade reading, writing and math; fifth grade reading, math science and social studies; sixth grade reading and math; and attendance. In addition, we continue to maintain an outstanding Performance Index Score and make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as required by the state of Ohio. Our staff is proud to help grown successful students, equipping them with skills to become life-long learners and global achievers.

Granville Intermediate School builds a strong foundation for life-long learning. Our staff focuses on enhancing literacy and math skills. Fourth and fifth grade students use the highly regarded Everyday Mathematics curriculum. Sixth grade students use the Connected Mathematics Program to carry forward critical math concepts. Students also experience hands-on science in lab settings.

Technology is an essential learning tool at Granville Intermediate School. Student skill sets include keyboarding, online writing and editing, creating graphics and tables, and establishing and maintaining databases. Plus, students conduct research, scan and prepare report materials for classroom projects.
Health & Wellness

At Granville Intermediate School, we promote healthy lifestyles using the health curriculum, disease prevention information, and programs to solve specific health concerns. Also, our district adopted and follows and comprehensive wellness policy.
We also provide annual health screenings for students: hearing & vision, height & weight, and postural. These screenings are used to detect conditions that could interfere with learning. Physical Education classes follow the national standards, with emphasis placed on health, wellness and fitness.
Environmental Awareness

Granville Intermediate School actively recycles paper, printer cartridges and cell phones. The Licking County Recycling and Litter Prevention Program presented students an award for collecting the most athletic shoes to be recycled!
Other Highlights

The fine arts program at GIS includes art and music. General music features singing, rhythms and instrumental music. The program provides students with various performance opportunities.
The art program focuses student creativity using a blend of studio art and art history. Students are exposed to a variety of mediums, styles, cultures and many artists. Art classes are fun, relaxed and allow students to express their creative side. Some of the students’ favorite mediums are oil and chalk, pastels, plaster and clay. Student artwork is regularly displayed throughout the school and district.
GIS parents coordinate after-school programs. Based on students’ interests and parent involvement, the programs vary from year to year. Examples of recent program include an archery team, chess club and a Lego robotics program.


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Tracie Lees



Photo of Tracie Lees


Sarah Giannetto

Assistant Principal


Sarah Giannetto photo


Janine McCullough

Photo of Janine McCullough